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Basic Data on Supervisors of Postgraduate Programmes in Research Organizations
                           Unit: in Person
    30岁及以下 31-35岁 36-40岁 41-45岁 46-50岁 51-55岁 56-60岁 61 岁及以上
  合计 30 Years 31-35years 36-40years 41-45years 46-50years 51-55years 56-60years 61 Years
  Total & Under             & Over
总计 Total 8953 43 804 1356 999 700 1002 2430 1619
其中:女 Of Which: Female  933 3 53 96 131 117 143 252 138
一、分职称 By academic rank                
教授 Professors 3542 2 161 335 279 212 389 1090 1074
副教授 Asso. Professors 1408 21 253 364 224 169 129 201 47
其他高级职称 with other adv. Titles 4003 20 390 657 496 319 484 1139 498
二、分指导关系 By supervisory function                
博士导师 Supervisors of doctoral programmes 1731 2 38 73 88 62 159 526 783
硕士导师 Supervisors of master's degree prog. 6027 38 705 1172 782 569 709 1488 564
博士、硕士导师 Supervisors of doc. & mas. Degree programmes 1195 3 61 111 129 69 134 416 272



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