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Breakdown of Full-time Teachers by Academic Qualifications in Regular Higher Educational Institutions
Unit: in Person
    研究生毕业 高等学校本科毕业   高等学校
    Completion of  Completion of Normal 高等学校专科毕 本专科肄业
    Postgraduate Course Undergraduate Courses 业及本专科肄业 未满两年
  合计     未获博士   研究生肄业   两年以上 及以下
  Total     硕士学位者   Having 未授学士 Completion of  Attendance
    博士 硕士 Without 学士 Some 学位 Short-cycle in Under-
    Doctor's Master's advanced Bachelor's Post- Without Courses or at graduate
    Degrees Degrees Higher Degrees graduate Bachelor's Least 2 Years of Courses
    Degrees   Training Degrees Undergraduate Less Than
                Courses  2 Years
总计 Total 425682 23136 100492 8479 217694 847 54979 18345 1710
其中:女教师 Of Which: Female Teachers 158974 3246 33001 2604 95334 304 17284 6628 573
教授 Professors 39359 6331 7158 1577 10113 107 13187 791 95
副教授 Asso. Professors 125900 10500 30864 2631 47390 250 27444 6391 430
讲师Lecturers 156390 5351 44339 3156 84811 361 10499 7114 759
助教Assistants 83196 508 13964 962 61314 113 2970 3061 304
教员Instructors 20837 446 4167 153 14066 16 879 988 122



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