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  Floor Area of School Building Owned by HEIs   独立使用非学校
    其中:危房 其中:当年新增 其中:被外单位 正在施工面积 产权建筑面积
  Of Which: Of Which: 借用 Of Which:   Floor Area of School Building Not Owned by HEIs
  Subtotal  Dilapidated Newly Added Floor Space  Floor Area Under
    Buildings in Current Hired by Other Construction
      Year Schools or Units  
总计 Total 92928338 613071 3164335 219672 3401754 8110397
一、教学及辅助用房 Buildings for Instraction and Ancillary Uses 40276414 229418 1570226 83716 1776945 3704536
 教室 Classroom 20216853 127377 655377 40901 824862 2041427
 图书馆 Library 3202117 13042 110160 2836 138871 198958
 实验室、实习场所 Lab. And Practice Facilities 12734694 79495 661972 23433 684448 892927
 体育馆 Gymnasium 2648183 600 119726 13764 90187 402597
 会堂 Hall 1474567 8904 22991 2782 38577 168627
二、行政办公用房 Administritive 5882024 29764 167040 18703 211125 522348
三、生活用房 Residential Buildings 35250617 289438 1293311 112973 1171645 3883513
 学生宿舍(公寓) Students' Dormitories 23063783 162743 883181 37905 841116 2668851
 学生食堂 Students' Dining Halls 5006224 34366 220884 3284 167005 431251
 教工单身宿舍 Apartments for Single 1582415 31332 58918 3024 19480 274545
 教工食堂 Dining Halls for Teachers, Staff and Workers 570228 2357 12209 4350 6751 48110
 生活福利及其他用房 Residential, Welfare and Anxiliary Buildings 5027967 58640 118119 64410 137293 460756
四、教工住宅 Residential Quarters for Teachers & Workers 11519283 64451 133758 4280 242039  



版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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