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Unit: in Person

    增加专任教师数   减少专任教师数  
    Factors of Increase   Factors of Decrease 本学年初报表
  上学年初报表   录用毕业生 外单位教师调入 非教师调入           专任教师数
      New recruits from current year graduates Teachers recruited Non-teaching personnel            
  专任教师数   from other units changed into teachers     自然 调离教师   Total number
  Total number 合计   研究生 本科生   其中:   其中:本校 其他   减员 岗位人员 其他 of full-time
  of full-time Total completing completing 中职 调整 Others 合计 Retired from Transferred Others teachers at
  teachers at   Total doc, & mas. 1st degree Total 学校调入 Total Of Which:   Total their posts  from teaching   beginning 
  beginning of     deg.  Prog. courses   Of Which:   with change      during  to non-   of current
  previous           from other    of status in      previcus teaching   academic
  academic year           SVSs   their own     academic year posts   year
总计 Total 654600 93424 19999 1199 16386 35949 14599 13678 9608 23798 73855 11022 14557 48276 674169
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  314318 44867 11320 808 9196 16972 6879 5930 3967 10645 32254 4516 6255 21483 326931
普通中专学校 SSSs 246223 35737 8885 834 7098 11429 5077 4682 3080 10741 20558 4303 4166 12089 261402
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  118671 17370 4996 561 3924 5420 2450 2016 1280 4938 9020 1880 1722 5418 127021
成人中专学校 Adult SSSs 65780 7649 848 59 656 3253 750 1193 746 2355 6818 1054 1114 4650 66611
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  31232 3753 490 40 380 1632 342 561 329 1070 2854 328 433 2093 32131
职业高中学校High Vocational Schools 303905 44639 9737 228 8232 19695 8231 6707 5113 8500 28861 5006 7327 16528 319683
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  146349 21149 5544 156 4676 9185 3811 2797 2035 3623 12497 2053 3288 7156 155001
其他机构 Other Institutions 38692 5399 529 78 400 1572 541 1096 669 2202 17618 659 1950 15009 26473
        其中:女  Of Which: Female  18066 2595 290 51 216 735 276 556 323 1014 7883 255 812 6816 12778



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