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Unit:in Person

  计Total 博士
Doctor's Degrees
Master's Degrees 
Normal Courses
Short-cycle Courses
高中阶段及以下 Below High School Graduate
1.专任教师 Full-time Teacher 319683 136 4264 244392 68037 2854
      其中:女 Of Which: Female  155001 30 2179 122722 29185 885
    正高级 Senior                    2187 58 210 1670 249  
    副高级 Sub-senior                    48567 36 1301 41165 5979 86
      级 Middle                    128634 34 1769 101763 24181 887
      级 Junior                    109424 3 595 80547 27100 1179
    无职称 No Rank                    30871 5 389 19247 10528 702
其中:实习指导课教师  Of Which:Practice Course Teacher          9197   93 5339 3500 265
2.聘请校外教师 Part-time Teacher  27380 85 1131 17607 8135 422
      其中:女 Of Which: Female  11028 19 445 7446 3001 117
    正高级 Senior                    1089 43 212 751 80 3
    副高级 Sub-senior                    4804 33 389 3693 670 19
      级 Middle                    9660 3 315 6667 2607 68
      级 Junior                    5080 1 41 3110 1843 85
    无职称 No Rank                    6747 5 174 3386 2935 247
其中:实习指导课教师  Of Which:Practice Course Teacher          2801 4 50 1448 1179 120
  聘请校外教师中:外教 Foreign Teachers Among Part-time Teachers ones             74 1 4 62 7  



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