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Unit:in 10 thousand




少数民族学生 Minority Students
  人数 Number 占学生总数的比重(%) Percentage
一、高等教育 Higher Education      
   (一)研究生 Postgraduates 128.30 5.89 4.59
           士 Doctor's Degrees 23.66 0.95 4.00
           士 Master's Degrees 104.64 4.94 4.72
   (二)普通本专科 Undergraduates in Regular HEIs 2021.02 127.99 6.33
             Normal Courses 1104.22 76.30 6.91
             Short-cycle Courses 916.80 51.69 5.64
   (三)成人本专科 Undergraduates in Adult HEIs 548.29 27.87 5.08
             Normal Courses 235.28 13.73 5.83
             Short-cycle Courses 313.01 17.09 5.46
   (四)其他各类高等学历教育                                          Students Enrolled in Other Formal Programs      
      1、在职人员攻读博士、硕士学位 Employed People Enrolled in Doctoral and Master's Degree Programs 39.38 0.00 0.00
      2、网络本专科生 Web-based Undergraduates 355.90 14.14 3.97
             Normal Courses 144.67 6.27 4.33
             Short-cycle Courses 211.22 7.88 3.73
      3、学历文凭考试 Students Preparing for Exams Awarding Formal Qualifications      
      4、其他 Others 0.49 0.03 5.15
二、中等教育 Secondary Education      
   (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary      
      1、高中 Senior Secondary Schools      
          普通高中 Regular Schools 2476.28 176.94 7.15
          成人高中 Adult Schools 56.02 1.40 2.50
      2、中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Schools      
          普通中专 Regular Specialized Sec. Schools 817.28 59.66 7.30
          成人中专 Adult SSSs 120.65 5.34 4.42
          职业高中 Vocational High Schools 750.32 31.15 4.15
          技工学校 Skilled Workers Schools      
   (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education      
      1、普通初中 Regular Junior Secondary Schools 5574.15 503.28 9.03
      2、职业初中 Vocational JSSs 10.82 2.19 20.28
      3、成人初中 Adult JSSs      
三、初等教育 Primary Education      
   (一)普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 10331.51 1070.79 10.36
   (二)成人小学 Adult Primary Schools      
         其中:扫盲班 Of Which: Eliminate IlLiteracy Classes      
四、工读学校 Correctional Work-Study Schools      
五、特殊教育 Special Education Schools 41.74 3.24 7.77
六、学前教育 Pre-school Education Institutions 2474.96 169.68 6.86
: 成人高中数据包括成人初中数据。  
    Data on Minority Students of Adult JSSs are included in the data of the Regular Schools.



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