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Data on the Number of Non-state/Private Schools of all Levels

  学校数(所)  No. of Schools 毕业生数(人) Graduates 招生数(人)        New Entrants 在校生数(人) Total Enrollment 教职工数(人) Staff & Workers 专任教师(人) Fulltime Teachers 另有其他学生数(人) Other
一、民办高等教育                         Higher Education                
        (一)民办高校  Regular HEIs 640 819921 1346311 4012486 304200 202562 266853
            本科学生 Normal Courses   307040 669939 2232857      
            专科学生 Short-cycle Courses   512881 676372 1779629      
               其中:独立学院  322 330505 649911 2148640 146665 103816 10949
            本科学生 Normal Courses   270108 574026 1933041      
            专科学生 Short-cycle Courses   60397 75885 215599      
       (二)民办其他高等教育机构 Non-state/private HEIs  866       40261 19121 920176
二、民办中等教育 Secondary Education               
   (一)高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary 6147 1494676 2048125 5321115 627435 443088  
   1.民办普通高中 Regular Schools 2913 789064 825634 2402983 456873 337872  
   2.民办中等职业教育 Secondary Vocational Schools 3234 705612 1222491 2918132 170562 105216 332101
   (二)初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education 4415 1273680 1476007 4285782 229 153  
   1.民办普通初中 Regular Junior Secondary Schools 4408 1273142 1475387 4283780      
   2.民办职业初中 Vocational JSSs 7 538 620 2002 229 153  
三、民办普通小学 Regular Primary Schools 5760 769144 796842 4804015 286070 207923  
四、民办幼儿园 Pre-school Education 83119 3166601 5048109 9820338 808666 477130  
 另有:民办培训机构(不计校数) Other Vocational-technical Training Institutions 19579       211577 106672 8347552
        Number of the other Students Followed in the 
       Data on Staff and Workers in Junior Secondary Schools are included in the data of Regular Schools.



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