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Unit: in Person

  教职工中 专任教师中
Of Total Staff & Workers Of Total Full-time Teachers
共产党员 共青团员 民主党派 华侨 共产党员 共青团员 民主党派 华侨
  Member Member Member of Overseas Member Member Member of Overseas
  of C.P.C. of C.Y.L. Dem. Parties Chinese of C.P.C. of C.Y.L. Dem. Parties Chinese
  合计 Total 129703 410090 2962 250 73004 346127 1415 101
 其中女 Of Which: Female 113826 396326 2637 224 69216 339839 1354 96
城市 Urban 64722 207058 1804 112 33809 176764 805 32
 其中女 Of Which: Female 58490 200304 1585 98 32910 173363 771 29
县镇 Counties & Towns 44412 130664 860 103 28099 110394 436 50
 其中女 Of Which: Female 39556 126465 790 96 26748 108591 420 49
农村 Rural 20569 72368 298 35 11096 58969 174 19
 其中女 Of Which: Female 15780 69557 262 30 9558 57885 163 18



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