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      Unit: in Person
  入园(班)人数 在园(班)人数 离园(班)人数
Enrollment Retained Leavers
其中学前班 其中学前班 其中学前班
Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School
总计 Total 14827145 6754901 24749600 7967054 10404654 5909171
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 6639817 3031937 11115247 3568002 4657656 2659752
  少数民族 Minorities 1318499 902434 1696837 982432 788643 630524
  教育部门办                Run by Ed. Dept. 8411468 5535982 11651142 6074744 6021200 4405313
 3岁以下 3 and under 278197 18610 329160 20569 8155 1916
 3-5岁 3-5 years 4414721 2163303 6697628 2389184 593864 365628
 5岁以上 5 and over 3718550 3354069 4624354 3664991 5419181 4037769
  集体办                Run by Communities 912422 115436 2145514 209347 810138 180912
 3岁以下 3 and under 91690 904 123682 1217 3715 205
 3-5岁 3-5 years 674485 45325 1561973 81557 74746 13128
 5岁以上 5 and over 146247 69207 459859 126573 731677 167579
    民办                                         Non-state/private 5048109 1028562 9820338 1558481 3166601 1195167
 3岁以下 3 and under 775957 12480 1078501 19800 53878 2147
 3-5岁 3-5 years 3110925 314562 6428101 437748 466891 73392
 5岁以上 5 and over 1161227 701520 2313736 1100933 2645832 1119628
  其他部门办                   Run by Non-ed. Dept. 455146 74921 1132606 124482 406715 127779
 3岁以下 3 and under 96620 597 123268 693 4014 290
 3-5岁 3-5 years 263654 13267 719599 20257 41987 5940
 5岁以上 5 and over 94872 61057 289739 103532 360714 121549
城市 Urban 2715265 563443 6235444 839236 2129079 692885
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 1212680 250601 2806135 372002 940992 307239
  少数民族 Minorities 109263 41393 201719 49957 69786 37245
  教育部门办                Run by Ed. Dept. 805253 296373 1594256 345876 642101 273677
 3岁以下 3 and under 88911 1369 103142 1436 2731 422
 3-5岁 3-5 years 452419 86877 1007269 97130 67458 27926
 5岁以上 5 and over 263923 208127 483845 247310 571912 245329
  集体办                Run by Communities 190854 14959 522901 33705 184254 32493
 3岁以下 3 and under 34911 54 49238 153 2068 90
 3-5岁 3-5 years 124335 2195 348762 6347 19464 1782
 5岁以上 5 and over 31608 12710 124901 27205 162722 30621
    民办                                         Non-state/private 1406459 226037 3260412 399444 1012475 321729
 3岁以下 3 and under 282650 2910 416615 6747 24476 644
 3-5岁 3-5 years 805169 40914 2054082 67761 141067 15006
 5岁以上 5 and over 318640 182213 789715 324936 846932 306079
  其他部门办                   Run by Non-ed. Dept. 312699 26074 857875 60211 290249 64986
 3岁以下 3 and under 77815 320 99020 353 3361 124
 3-5岁 3-5 years 190237 5345 556320 9480 29371 2306
 5岁以上 5 and over 44647 20409 202535 50378 257517 62556



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