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  Floor Area of School Building Owned by HEIs   独立使用非学校
    其中:危房 其中:当年新增 其中:被外单位 正在施工面积 产权建筑面积
  Of Which: Of Which: 借用 Of Which:   Floor Area of School Building Not Owned by HEIs
  Subtotal  Dilapidated Newly Added Floor Space  Floor Area Under
    Buildings in Current Hired by Other Construction
      Year Schools or Units  
总计 Total 4238687   175895 23797 306677 5206750
一、教学及辅助用房 Buildings for Instraction and Ancillary Uses 1784451   77982 9847 118685 2319296
 教室 Classroom 1150050   53866 9847 52615 1681836
 图书馆 Library 144662   6050   27240 130200
 实验室、实习场所 Lab. And Practice Facilities 260638   6866   16384 330630
 体育馆 Gymnasium 128020   7800   16846 88878
 会堂 Hall 101081   3400   5600 87752
二、行政办公用房 Administritive 314097   6988 7230 17220 344830
三、生活用房 Residential Buildings 1923793   89925 6720 102444 2542624
 学生宿舍(公寓) Students' Dormitories 1403843   72997 5360 70898 1965181
 学生食堂 Students' Dining Halls 276770   5752 1300 9870 259190
 教工单身宿舍 Apartments for Single 88304   9552   6276 162661
 教工食堂 Dining Halls for Teachers, Staff and Workers 20702   1000 60 1300 26567
 生活福利及其他用房 Residential, Welfare and Anxiliary Buildings 134174   624   14100 129025
四、教工住宅 Residential Quarters for Teachers & Workers 216346   1000   68328  



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