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Unit: in Person
    增加学生数 减少学生数  
  上学年初报表 Factors of Increase Factors of Decrease 本学年初报表
  在校学生数                             在校学生数
                毕业 结业 休学 退学 开除 死亡 转出 其他  
  Total enrolment   招生 复学 转入 其他   Completers             Total enrolment
   at beginning of              of Courses Suspended Quitting Expelled Death Transfers Others at beginning of 
  previous    No. of Students Transfers Others Total Graduates without         to Other    current academic
  academic year Total Students Resuming from Other       formal         Inst.   year
      Admitted Studies Inst.       awards              
博士生Doctor's Degrees 236639 64387 61911 819 134 1523 54707 48658 256 933 1391 10 35 174 3250 246319
硕士生 Master's Degrees 1046540 460240 449042 2083 3644 5471 348157 322615 812 1987 3577 61 83 1528 17494 1158623
研究生班学生 Postgraduate Courses                                
普通本科生 Students Enrolled in Normal  Courses 11042207 3334344 3261081 20506 20278 32479 2578040 2455359 23917 31435 31968 1895 993 8296 24177 11798511
普通专科生  Students Enrolled in short-cycle Courses 9168042 3497842 3432576 9712 20710 34844 3017825 2856311 16632 22688 44684 2553 486 22579 51892 9648059
成人本科生 Students Enrolled in Normal  Courses Provided by Adult HEIs 2352832 854257 815795 9985 6864 21613 950427 865421 6611 8863 27237 451 35 3316 38493 2256662
成人专科生 Students Enrolled in short-cycle Courses  Provided by Adult HEIs 3130117 1267679 1198981 10446 14611 43641 1240945 1078472 11511 15830 46795 822 96 14377 73042 3156851
网络本科生 Students Earolled in Normal  Courses Provided by Web-based Programs 1444912 608810 551287 13975 4692 38856 481080 405549 6943 9692 27189 34 45 2333 29295 1572642
网络专科生  Students Earolled in short-cycle Courses Provided by Web-based Programs 2111040 1177514 1074400 46186 7262 49666 688475 577972 11870 22925 31924 60 39 5795 37890 2600079



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