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Unit:in Persons
  ()业生数Graduates 授予学位数Degrees Awarded 招生数 Entrants 在校学生数     Enrolment 预计毕业生数 Anticipated Graduates for Next Year



其中 Of which 
应届生 春季招生
Autumn Session Spring Session
研究生 Postgraduates                        371273 367871 510953 332641   1404942 470660
    士Doctor's Degrees                      48658 46616 61911 23227   246319 117978
    士Master's Degrees                     322615 321255 449042 309414   1158623 352682
普通本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses              5311023 2298200 6394932 5764069 13178 21446570 5874139
      Normal Courses                      2455359 2298200 3261081 2822680 1237 11798511 2662960
      Short-cycle Courses                     2855664   3133851 2941389 11941 9648059 3211179
成人本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses Provided by Adult HEIs              1943893 108750 2014776 316809   5413513 1900885
      Normal Courses                      865421 108750 815795 91616   2256662 760090
      Short-cycle Courses                    1078472   1198981 225193   3156851 1140795
网络本科、专科生Students Enrolled in Normal and Short-cycle Courses Provided by Web-based Programs              983521 24404 1625687 809098 4172721  
      Normal Courses                      405549 24404 551287 278422 1572642  
      Short-cycle Courses                     577972   1074400 530676 2600079  
研究生课程进修班 Postgraduates Courses              46803       68646  
在职人员攻读博士硕士学位Advanced degree Programs for persons in Employment        101956 115985   394331  
电大注册视听生Registered Viewers/auditors of Programs Provided by RTVUs                1113          
自考助学班Classes run by Non-state/private HEIs for Students Preparing for State-administered Examinations for Self-directed Learners                  196768   221279   696503  
普通预科生 College-preparatory Classes                            30649  
进修及培训 In-service Training                    5073449       2098780  
留学生 Foreign Students                        55251 9013 73266   18361 117548  



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