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        Unit: in Person
  入园(班)人数 在园(班)人数 离园(班)人数
Enrollment Retained Leavers
其中学前班 其中学前班 其中学前班
Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School Total Of Which:    Pre-School
总计 Total 15468596 6455854 26578141 7679301 10406353 5450741
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 6948872 2901509 11981269 3440160 4652650 2453767
  少数民族 Minorities 1441725 932870 1894185 1025591 815675 630320
  教育部门办                Run by Ed. Dept. 8407221 5133983 11988076 5616135 5773493 3917478
 3岁以下 3 and under 294592 17301 352967 19319 10341 1744
 3-5岁 3-5 years 4507336 1943000 7068658 2124466 623038 311914
 5岁以上 5 and over 3605293 3173682 4566451 3472350 5140114 3603820
  集体办                Run by Communities 890249 110325 2140638 189848 777698 143330
 3岁以下 3 and under 92034 846 121769 1052 3524 113
 3-5岁 3-5 years 649365 43595 1547192 75750 82196 7766
 5岁以上 5 and over 148850 65884 471677 113046 691978 135451
    民办                                         Non-state/private 5746897 1151689 11341694 1769000 3500720 1289428
 3岁以下 3 and under 894613 11629 1242323 18258 57856 1821
 3-5岁 3-5 years 3556972 349419 7417222 492814 549921 86568
 5岁以上 5 and over 1295312 790641 2682149 1257928 2892943 1201039
  其他部门办                   Run by Non-ed. Dept. 424229 59857 1107733 104318 354442 100505
 3岁以下 3 and under 96024 315 118357 486 2311 54
 3-5岁 3-5 years 245678 7917 706182 13033 40930 3597
 5岁以上 5 and over 82527 51625 283194 90799 311201 96854
城市 Urban 2816575 503088 6693227 786935 2102678 625763
 其中:女 Of Which:Female 1259556 221974 3023084 344393 923716 274836
  少数民族 Minorities 116147 41909 224052 52551 72563 37349
  教育部门办                Run by Ed. Dept. 797993 238994 1662856 282975 593066 202579
 3岁以下 3 and under 90747 205 107691 547 2870 149
 3-5岁 3-5 years 459460 57895 1075133 67314 69867 15514
 5岁以上 5 and over 247786 180894 480032 215114 520329 186916
  集体办                Run by Communities 185009 12165 503274 24974 168562 23740
 3岁以下 3 and under 33992 62 45502 151 2028 58
 3-5岁 3-5 years 120903 1390 336064 3361 17225 492
 5岁以上 5 and over 30114 10713 121708 21462 149309 23190
    民办                                         Non-state/private 1532356 231614 3668142 426712 1081698 345795
 3岁以下 3 and under 313200 1356 457626 3984 22832 531
 3-5岁 3-5 years 886937 38180 2328838 64101 147380 14382
 5岁以上 5 and over 332219 192078 881678 358627 911486 330882
  其他部门办                   Run by Non-ed. Dept. 301217 20315 858955 52274 259352 53649
 3岁以下 3 and under 81153 97 99030 199 2006 14
 3-5岁 3-5 years 181047 3176 553213 6052 28399 1691
 5岁以上 5 and over 39017 17042 206712 46023 228947 51944


版权所有:中华人民共和国教育部 中文域名:教育部.政务

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