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Number of Postgraduate Students by Academic Field (Total)

Unit: person
  毕业生数Graduates 招生数Entrants 在校生数Enrolment 预计毕业生数Estimated Graduates for Next Year
硕士 博士 硕士 博士 硕士 博士 硕士 博士
Total Master's Doctor's Total Master's Doctor's Total Master's Doctor's Total Master's Doctor's
  Degree Degree   Degree Degree   Degree Degree   Degree Degree
  Total  486455 434742 51713 589673 521303 68370 1719818 1436008 283810 630437 491026 139411
其中:女 of Which: Female                       242030 222780 19250 294711 269222 25489 842417 738981 103436 294470 245290 49180
学术型学位 Academic Degree 396976 346575 50401 390790 324152 66638 1270144 992293 277851 488361 350911 137450
专业学位 Professional Degree 89479 88167 1312 198883 197151 1732 449674 443715 5959 142076 140115 1961
  Philosophy 4859 4124 735 4579 3715 864 15082 11470 3612 6001 4148 1853
经济学 Economics 20257 17943 2314 27428 24482 2946 73500 60993 12507 26665 20161 6504
  Law 40840 38051 2789 40960 37350 3610 121217 106359 14858 46269 38939 7330
教育学 Education 23420 22412 1008 30239 28900 1339 77763 72682 5081 27933 25601 2332
  Literature 29686 27731 1955 32115 29691 2424 93429 83498 9931 34807 29794 5013
历史学 History 5430 4638 792 5456 4517 939 17735 13693 4042 6863 4743 2120
  Science 50266 40504 9762 58124 44788 13336 180330 131112 49218 65292 43385 21907
  Engineering 168434 150544 17890 209244 183593 25651 616173 499954 116219 225239 165329 59910
  Agriculture 16313 13948 2365 21080 17975 3105 58893 46888 12005 21974 16036 5938
  Medicine 56001 48188 7813 64868 56070 8798 188666 158065 30601 63566 51313 12253
军事学MilitaryScience                         206 173 33 250 208 42 831 675 156 330 245 85
管理学 Administrators 58652 54835 3817 78151 73428 4723 227030 203587 23443 88813 75596 13217
艺术学 Art 12091 11651 440 17179 16586 593 49169 47032 2137 16685 15736 949


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