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Number of Postgraduate Students by Sector and Program (Regular HEIs)

Unit: person
  学校(机构)数(所) 毕业生数Graduates 招生数Entrants 在校生数Enrolment 预计毕业生数Estimated Graduates for Next Year
Schools                           Total 硕士 博士                           Total 硕士 博士                          Total 硕士 博士                          Total 硕士 博士
  Master's Degrees  Doctor's Degrees Master's Degrees  Doctor's Degrees Master's Degrees  Doctor's Degrees Master's Degrees  Doctor's Degrees
  Total 811 476019 427881 48138 575438 511320 64118 1678607 1409806 268801 616088 483171 132917
  国家任务State-planned Programs    339348 302459 36889 428104 376648 51456 1207985 1011099 196886 416777 328137 88640
   委托培养 Contractual Programs    22866 14822 8044 29541 20230 9311 111538 56954 54584 55463 21761 33702
  自筹经费 Self-financed Programs    113805 110600 3205 117793 114442 3351 359084 341753 17331 143848 133273 10575
一、中央部门所属 Under Central Ministries&Agencies            340 246373 208124 38249 295696 245047 50649 892351 677134 215217 343847 237082 106765
1. 教育部 Under MOE  73 208984 177781 31203 248296 206817 41479 750490 571398 179092 291722 201699 90023
2.其他部门 Under Other Central Agencies                  267 37389 30343 7046 47400 38230 9170 141861 105736 36125 52125 35383 16742
二、地方所属 Under Local Auth.  471 229646 219757 9889 279742 266273 13469 786256 732672 53584 272241 246089 26152
1.教育部门 Run by Edu.Dept. 400 223575 213825 9750 271431 258161 13270 764617 711617 53000 265430 239485 25945
2.其他部门Run by Non-ed. Dept.  64 6071 5932 139 8116 7917 199 21444 20860 584 6811 6604 207
3.地方企业Run by Local Enterprises 2     40 40   40 40      
4. 民办  Non-government 5       155 155   155 155        


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