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教育部部长 周济



  第一条 为了提高汉语作为外语教学的水平,做好汉语作为外语教学能力认定工作,加强汉语作为外语教学师资队伍的建设,促进对外汉语教学事业的发展,依据《教育法》和《教师法》制定本办法。

  第二条 本办法适用于对从事汉语作为外语教学工作的中国公民和外国公民所具备的相应专业知识水平和技能的认定。对经认定达到相应标准的,颁发《汉语作为外语教学能力证书》(以下简称《能力证书》)。

  第三条 汉语作为外语教学能力认定工作由汉语作为外语教学能力认定工作委员会(以下简称“认定委员会”)根据本办法进行组织。认定委员会成员由教育部任命。认定委员会的职责是制订能力认定的考试标准,规范能力证书课程,组织考试和认定工作,颁发《能力证书》。

  第四条 《能力证书》申请者应热爱汉语教学工作、热心介绍中国文化、遵守法律法规、具有良好的职业素养,须具有大专(含)以上学历和必要的普通话水平。其中的中国公民应具有相当于大学英语四级以上或全国外语水平考试(WSK)合格水平。

  第五条 《能力证书》分为初级、中级、高级三类。




  第六条 申请《能力证书》须通过下列考试:




  第七条 申请中级、高级证书者普通话水平需达到中国国家语言文字工作委员会规定的二级甲等以上。

  第八条 对外汉语专业毕业的本科生可免试申请《能力证书(中级)》;



  第九条 汉语作为外语教学能力认定工作每年定期进行。申请证书者须先通过能力考试,凭考试合格成绩申请证书。申报考试和申请证书的具体时间及承办机构由认定委员会决定。

  第十条 《能力证书》申请者须向申请受理机构提交以下材料:







  第十一条 《能力证书》由认定委员会监制。

  第十二条 申请证书过程中弄虚作假的,经认定委员会核实,不予认定;已经获得《汉语作为外语教学能力证书》者,由认定委员会予以注销。

  第十三条 为了提高汉语作为外语教师的专业能力,认定委员会规定《能力证书》的标准化课程和大纲。

  第十四条 本办法自2004年10月1日起施行,1990年6月23日发布的《对外汉语教师资格审定办法》(中华人民共和国国家教育委员会令第12号)同时废止,《对外汉语教师资格证书》同时失效,须更换《能力证书(高级)》。

Order of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China

No. 19

  Measures for Certifying Teachers’ Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language was discussed and adopted at a working meeting of the Council of Ministers on April 1, 2004. It is herewith promulgated. It goes into effect on October 1, 2004. 

Zhou Ji
Minister of Education
August 23, 2004

Measures for Certifying Teachers’ Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language

  Article 1: In order to enhance the level of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, provide better service to certify teachers’ ability to teach Chinese as a foreign language, produce more and better teachers of Chinese as a foreign language, and promote the development of the field of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the present measures are drawn up in conformity with the Education Law and the Teachers Law. 

  Article 2: These measures are intended to be used for certifying that Chinese and foreign citizens who are engaged in the work of teaching Chinese as a foreign language possess appropriate skills and level of professional knowledge. Individuals who have satisfied the criteria for certification will be issued the Certificate of Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate of Ability).

  Article 3: The work of certifying teachers’ ability to teach Chinese as a foreign language is organized by the Committee for Certifying Teachers’ Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language (hereinafter referred to as the Certification Committee) on the basis of these measures. The members of the Certification Committee are appointed by the Ministry of Education. The responsibilities of the Certification Committee are to formulate testing standards for certifying the teachers’ teaching ability, standardize course requirements for receiving the Certificate of Ability, organize the testing and certification work, and issue Certificates of Ability.

  Article 4: Applicants for the Certificate of Ability should love teaching Chinese as a foreign language, enthusiastically introduce Chinese culture to their students, observe the law and regulations, and have a high level of professional attainment. They must have a university-level education with at least an associate’s degree and be  able to speak Putonghua (Mandarin) well. Chinese citizens who meet these requirements must  also have the equivalent of a college English test Band 4 certificate or have passed the WSK (national foreign language) examination.

  Article 5: There are three grades of Certificate of Ability: elementary, intermediate and advanced.

  Those who obtain the elementary Certificate of Ability should have basic knowledge concerning teaching Chinese as a foreign language and be able to do basic teaching of Chinese to students whose mother tongue is not Chinese.

  Those who obtain the intermediate Certificate of Ability should have relatively complete knowledge concerning teaching Chinese as a foreign language and be able to teach Chinese relatively systematically to students who are not native-Chinese speakers.

  Those who obtain the advanced Certificate of Ability should have a complete knowledge concerning teaching Chinese as a foreign language and be able to teach Chinese to students whose mother tongue is not Chinese systematically and professionally and be able to do relevant scientific research.

  Article 6: Applicants for the Certificate of Ability must pass the following examinations:

  the test for the elementary Certificate of Ability covers the subjects: basic knowledge of modern Chinese, common knowledge of Chinese culture, and Putonghua (Mandarin);

  the test for the intermediate Certificate of Ability covers the subjects: modern Chinese, theory of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and basic knowledge of Chinese culture;

  andthe test for the advanced Certificate of Ability covers the subjects: modern and ancient Chinese, linguistics, theory of teaching Chinese as a foreign language and Chinese culture.

  Article 7: Applicants for intermediate and advanced Certificates of Ability must speak Putonghua (Mandarin) at least at the Grade 2 Level A proficiency prescribed by the State Language Commission.

  Article 8: College graduates who majored in teaching Chinese as a foreign language may apply for an intermediate Certificate of Ability without taking the test.

  Graduate students who specialized in teaching Chinese as a foreign language may apply for an advanced Certificate of Ability without taking the test.

  Applicants who majored in the Chinese language as undergraduate or graduate students are exempted from taking Chinese examinations.

  Article 9: The work of certifying applicants’ ability to teach Chinese as a foreign language will be carried out regularly every year. Applicants for a Certificate of Ability must first pass the relevant examinations and then apply for a Certificate of Ability on the basis of satisfactory examination results. The Certification Committee determines the times for registering for examinations and applying for Certificates of Ability and identifies the organizations which will take charge of these issues.

  Article 10: Applicants for a Certificate of Ability must submit the following materials to the organization handling their application:

  1) Application for a Certificate of Ability to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language (two copies);

  2) Identification card-original and one copy;

  3) University diploma-original and one copy;

  4) Certificate of examination results-original and one copy (applicants who are exempted from taking an examination must submit certification supporting their exemption-original and one copy);

  5) Certificate of results of test of Putonghua (Mandarin) proficiency-original and one copy;

  6) Certificate of foreign language proficiency-original and one copy.

  Article 11: Design and print of Certificates of Ability is supervised by the Certification Committee.

  Article 12: If an application includes any falsification or fraud, it will be denied upon verification of that fact by the Certification Committee; if a Certificate of Ability had already been issued when the falsification or fraud is discovered, the Certification Committee will annul it.

  Article 13: In order to increase the professional ability of teachers of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the Certification Committee will prepare a standardized course and syllabus for the Certificate of Ability.

  Article 14: These measures go into effect on October 1, 2004. At that time, the Measures for Examining and Approving the Qualifications of Teachers of Chinese as a Foreign Language promulgated in Order No. 12 of the State Education Commission of the People’s Republic of China on June 23, 1990, will be nullified. At the same time, the Certificate of Qualification to Teach Chinese as a Foreign Language will become void; it must be exchanged for an advanced Certificate of Ability.


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